We are aware that we are limited by the flow of time, but the imagination and the dreams have no limitations. We all have dreams, but dreaming into reality requires a huge amount of determination, dedication and discipline. Our newly constructed, magnificent facility, which is our new home, from the very beginning is the idea of ​​the owner of the company Rapidex trade, Mirko Cvijić, who I can say freely, is only man that had enough imagination and courage to embark on the realization of such a project. The rest of us were there, along with him, to follow his vision and give him the support and enough space and time to work.

The only imperative is to be even better in our business, and this means that we can react quickly and efficiently to the requirements and needs of our customers. A new facility, which has only a warehouse space of more than 10,000. square meters, gives us the opportunity to move into a new, better dimension of business.

We sincerely thank all our partners, suppliers and contractors, and especially our customers, who always had enough understanding for us and our ideas. With their suggestions and benevolent criticisms, we are trying to be better and more efficient, and to be there when we need them the most.
I am confident that we are on the right track, but I am also confident that in the future we will have your sincere support, which is necessary for us, and we are extremely grateful to you.

Slobodan Radosavljevic, Director Rapidex trade d.o.o.

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